India Leigh

Intuitive reader and coach

Need help connecting?

Through claircognizant, clairvoyant, clairsentient and intuitive abilities, as well as extensive inner child/connection healing coaching training and experience, India Leigh will connect you with your personal energy and guidance to empower you and help illuminate the next steps on your path into your highest possible reality. You’ll learn how to better connect to your own intuition, clear blockages that are standing in your way and see the path of your authentic, aligned life journey unfold.

  • Find Your Power and Gain Clarity

  • Connect with Your Divine Energy and Higher Wisdom

  • Heal from Past Wounds and Clear Hidden Blocks

  • Receive Tools and Guidance to Take Next Steps

  • Align with Abundance and Your Soul Purpose

Energy Support Toolkit for the Month

Energy Support Toolkit for the Month ⋆


Who I Am

My mission is to help others better understand their own soul path with its challenges and lessons.”

– India Leigh



Intuitive Readings & Development

Gain soul insights from intuitive readings and learn to connect with your spirit guides, expanding your own intuitive gifts.

Spiritual Coaching Sessions

Heal past trauma and remove barriers to connection, abundance and joy through a combination of spirit guidance and structured certified coaching programs.

Energy Support

Shed the energy that no longer serves you and discover how to align with and manifest what you want to advance your true soul’s calling.

India on Atlanta & Co

what’s your personal love energy?

The key to receiving what you want in love is understanding what exactly that is for YOU and why. Your own personal love profile includes an understanding of your astrological influences, the messages from your higher wisdom and guide team, the needs of your inner child and the experiences and perceptions you’ve formed around partnership and love. This recorded or live via Zoom 20-minute energy profile session will help you love and understand your own wounds, needs and preferences in a way that will support you as you continue your own personal love story.

the ORACLE of the mystic deck

India created this divinely-inspired oracle card deck and guidebook to provide spirit-guided support for you daily in your own tapping in to your higher guidance, reflection, meditation, healing and growth. They are intended to help you develop your own intuition, spiritual connection, mental clarity, self-love, inner balance, relationship harmony and emotional well-being.

Free Guided Meditations

Meditation is a wonderful tool to center, calm your mind, tune into your body and receive your guidance. Find meditations for everything from stress-relief and inner-child healing to angel energy channeling and chakra balancing.


The guides podcast

Guides come in many forms: spirit guides, angels, our own higher selves, our inner children, our bodies — and we serve as earthly guides for each other as we share, reflect and activate our unique and powerful gifts, experiences, perspectives and energies. Through spirit-centered messages and conversations, intuitive reader, clairvoyant, claircognizant and coach India Leigh leads listeners through guidance, metaphysical and mystical teachings and more.

Events & live Classes

We all have unique gifts! I often partner with other intuitives, astrologers, mediums and shamans during events, classes and programs to bring you a variety of perspectives and talents.

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Reviews from the Heart


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