The higher path

Prayer for the Lion’s Gate: Spirit leads me. I will not stay in negative thought, worry or fear. Every step, Spirit is with me, bringing me everything I need, beyond what my mind can fathom. Even though I walk through the darkness, it cannot envelop me, because Spirit is within me. Spirit holds my hand, sending miracles to reassure me. Spirit is leading me into everything that is right for me. It is being readied for me now, and I am being readied for it. Nothing and no one can stand between me and my own personal heaven on earth. I am divinely loved and protected. I gratefully and humbly receive the overflowing cup of blessings that is meant just for me. Divine gifts flow through me, blessing and benefitting all who connect with me in the light. I will walk the higher path and live in the light, both here on earth and beyond.


Manifest you


Divine entouRage