trusting the truth

After years spent gazing into the ever-shifting, rippling pond, perceiving your own reflection as others, you are being guided to look up and see the truth of your own experience. 

To live and connect fully as you in the present moment. To see others as the unique and whole universes they are and to marvel at them. To allow them to gaze in wonder at your own in all its complete glory. 

You have seen yourself as less than whole because you have been seeing only the reflection of you in others — accepting only what they have reflected from your own inner projections. Out of fear and learned suffering, you have habitually rejected, defended and run from the angles and facets and depths of you that you did want want seen. 

Now the waters of the pond have become too murky and disrupted to gaze into, and your eyes have lifted. You are shaken from the hypnosis of thought and the infinite mesmerizing reflections and you find yourself in the full experience of pure truth and emotion. 

Remember the knowing you had as a child — before you were taught to pond-gaze, this was your way of experiencing yourself, others and the world around you. Return to that way of being and experience it with joy and excitement now with the wisdom of your soul’s journey and lessons learned in this lifetime as treasures you carry in your heart. 

Trust yourself and Spirit to guide you through this new way of living and connecting, and allow yourself to feel free. 

(Artword cred: Crystal Visions Tarot)


Rooted and reaching


Lunar eclipse care & compassion