Rooted and reaching

It is key right now that you focus on keeping all your bodies of earthly existence (mental, emotional, physical and energetic) firmly rooted in the current season as much as possible.  The branches of your spiritual self will continue to reach skyward, giving you previews of the seasons to come. From this higher perspective you will see that each and every experience you are destined to have in this lifetime will have its divinely timed season.

The leaves of these branches are your spirit beingness — your divine essence. They soak in the sunlight of your Source and send spirit nourishment down into your earthly bodies. This spirit energy sustains and transmutes everything within you through your own supernatural photosynthesis, or “spiritsynthesis”.

This reaching while rooted keeps you present and always expanding, growing in new directions, turning in beautiful, meaning- infused patterns all your own. To abandon or reject your current season, wishing to be in another of your ego mind’s imagination is to uproot and topple yourself.

The refusal or inability to simultaneously root in what is now and reach up toward what is always will inevitably leave you disconnected from both earthly richness, discovery, sustenance and abundance and heavenly assistance, protection, support and nourishment.

Reach down through your heart, body and the is-ness of all that is surrounding you now to receive all that is intended for you in this season of your earthly existence. Reach up through the branches and leaves of your mind, imaginative third eye and connected crown chakra to receive your higher perspective, divine knowing, and your centered assuredness in all that is unfolding for you in divine timing in this lifetime.

When you do this you will miss nothing. If you uproot and let your branches wither by allowing your ego mind to abandon or reject this season, be aware that you may be forfeiting the gifts and rewards of this lifetime in favor or receiving them in another. They are yours to receive, and while you don’t control the ebb and flow of the seasons, you do control your choice to connect to them. This is the gift of free will.


Preparation mode


trusting the truth